Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You just can't get enough of 'em!

I was just reading all my friends' amazing posts and mourning the fact that I wasn't as witty as they when I found myself opening a new page and wanting to blog about something myself. But what to blog??

I have nothing to blog really. So I'm just going to post some pictures of some of the greatest kissing moments in film history. Remember these?

Of course there's the classic, random kiss of the 1985 Room With A View

Another fabulous surprise kiss is in the 1995 Clueless. I LOVE this movie by the way

If I had managed to find a worthy picture I would have shown the FABULOUS grab and pull kiss from the phenomenal 2006 Penelope.

But moving back toward the classic literature-on-film kisses we have:
1996- Emma (only a good kiss because of the magnificent tree it's set under. Couldn't find a pic..)

Mansfield Park 1999
(This Edmund is SOO good!)

And, in my opinion, the best kiss I've probably seen in this genre of film:
North and South 2004

If you haven't seen it yet, DO. It's THAT FREAKIN' GOOD!

(There are many MANY more, but I haven't the time. I'll think of some and add them later if you'd like. Or feel free to remind me if you're appalled to see I've not included.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Against All The Odds

Human psychology just continues to amaze me. Have you ever thought about how hard it is to not only find someone who you're interested in, but who also returns that interest? It's hard! So many plays, books and movies are based around this one concept, and they still continue to entertain us. It's because it's a true concept that every one of us can relate to.

Most often one person likes someone, and that person likes another someone, who likes another someone. I see this as loop-de-loops in my mind. And a lot of the time, the people don't even realize that there was someone out there who had a little thing for them.

Think of all the people you've had a little crush on in your lifetime, whom you never told. They probably still, to this day, have no idea it ever happened. Well is it so impossible to think that maybe there were several people out there who never said anything to YOU? So you still to this day are clueless to there ever having been anything going on.

So amidst this huge maze of unrequited love, it's almost miraculous to come across a couple who broke out of their loop-de-loops long enough to find something they were looking for. And even more miraculous is when that couple fit so well together that they can make a lifelong relationship work.And I think THAT is a romantic concept.

So let's not get discouraged when things aren't working out for us. We just have to remember how harsh the numbers are against us ever finding someone in the first place. And when you do finally find someone, even if it's not a lifelong thing, allow yourself to be more grateful for what you've found. It's a rare thing.