Monday, December 7, 2009

Too Much Time in Front of the TV?

Who doesn't love those classic movies? 

I've been CRAVING A Philadelphia Story; you know, the one with Katherine Hepburn, Carry Grant, and Jimmy Stewart. Yeah. It's a good one. That's for sure.

And thanks to netflix, I recently saw Shop Around the Corner, also with Jimmy Stewart. You've Got Mail was based off of this one. It is also VERY good. The lines are witty as they do a fabulous job of insulting each other. And it's just cute. So if you haven't seen that one, go ahead and watch it. It's worth it. 

On a different note. I've also watched recently Easy Virtue with Jessica Biel, Ben Barnes, and Collin Firth. I really like that one too. It was maddening in sort of a Family Stone way, but I loved it. Plus Ben Barnes is stinkin' HOT. And he has these huge, brown, puppy-dog eyes throughout the movie that make you wish the camera never left his face. And it is very enjoyable aesthetically. But I'm a sucker for the vintage clothing and styles. But really, it's a great one. Chaotic, but charming non the less. 

Other movies I love and have revisited lately:

Family Stone (Rachel McAdams is one of my favorites right now. And this was the first movie I actually really appreciated Sarah Jessica Parker in. 

Sunshine Cleaning (Emily Blunt is the other favorite right now. Talk about versatile.)

I've also been on sort of a Friends kick lately. So I've been re-watching a lot of those.


  1. you def. don't post enough. but speaking of philadelphia story, i'm using it in my spanish oral exam, and i watched a diff. katherine hepburn recently, lion in winter. (not the same actor that you were talking about in your post, but still a good one, and she's also in philadelphia story (that's why i brought her up))

  2. MOVIES are the best. And remembered the can-can dance in Easy Virtue. *snicker snicker*

  3. Easy virtue...a really good half an hour of a show. and then it gets really stupid.
