Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Confessions of a Denial Addict

I've realized that I live my life pretending that I'm not a student at a major university. I'm on my eighth semester of school and I have three more ahead of me. (It was going to be five more semesters but then I decided not to get my language certificate in Italian.)

But seriously, I didn't go to school today. Instead I slept until 7:15 then started doing my homework. Now you may be thinking, "well doing your homework certainly counts as student behavior", but you must understand that I've pushed all this homework to the absolute last minute. I have to drive the long drive to school tomorrow, take a very difficult test that I've only now just begun to study for, turn in two finance assignments that I haven't started or even read the relating chapters that will teach me HOW to do the assignments, and then turn in the five-page formal book review I was supposed to have drafted out for peer review a week ago, but really, I haven't even outlined the paper... I haven't even read more than 1/5 of the book! I've had ample time to prepare all these things, and yet I've instead only let myself focus on work and my social life.

I mean, yes, I did do some of it this morning, but that's because I only have three hours left before I go to work to work the late shift. And I don't know if I'm going to be up for an even later night tonight, or an early morning tomorrow before I have to go to school.

So now you're wondering how on earth I'm going to get it all done. And the answer is, I have no clue, but I sorta don't care. I'll do what I can on the assignments, then I'll try and get some more studying in before work. If I can I'll outline my paper tonight quickly before I go to bed. Then tomorrow I'll wake up, review more test notes quickly, take the test, turn in the assignments and then try and write my paper while in my first three classes.

Why am I so calm? Because I've lived my life like this for the past seven semesters, and I haven't failed a class yet. (I've had two Ds, but they still counted as a pass.)

So here I am, blogging as I give my mind a rest from the political arrangements of 335 BC in Israel. In fact, all this morning I kept thinking, maybe I should go try and do some yoga. I've never really done yoga before, but maybe this morning will be a good day to start.


  1. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were describing my whole college/educational experience up till this past year. I put everything off, and I seemed to slip by without any serious consequences. However, after receiving a few D's myself I decided I needed to do better. So although I don't plan on retaking all of my D classes, I have retaken one and plan on retaking one more. I hope you do well with your assignments and test.

    Unfortunately I have this exact same attitude towards finances and I'm really struggling to fix that. But I am trying!

  2. Rach, that really does describe the college experience so well. Thanks for the post. :-)
